User Manual 2.2

3.2. Preferred Communication Type

This will be the expected main form of contact with the Client. If set to Email, will auto send emails throughout process. If set to Email (Do Not Set Declined), will auto send all emails except when Status is set to Declined or Declined (System). All other options will create tasks for the Process Manager.
When Client Tracker sends emails automatically, it will also change the data in certain fields. If tasks are created instead of emails, the fields will not change until the Process Manager sets the Status of the task to Completed.
For example: After setting the Potential Applicant Review Decision field to Approve - Send Application Package and saving the record, a task will be created for the Process Manager.
Once the task has been completed, the Process Manager will Complete the Task.
After returning to the Client Tracker record, you will see that several fields have been changed. These changes would have happened immediately after saving the Client Tracker record if the Preferred Communication Type had been set to Email or Email (Do Not Send Declined).