User Manual 2.2

3.9. Graduate

Graduate is the 4th and final stage in the process of receiving a dog. This stage is used to receive all Graduate documents, track Monthly and Yearly Follow Ups and track Public Access Tests. The client will stay in this stage until they receive a Successor Dog.
Checking the box for All Graduate Requirements Complete will either send the email 08A - Graduate - Completed Graduate Requirements or create the task Graduate Requirements Completed for Client Name based on the value set in Preferred Communication Type. It will also change the Status to Active.
The other fields in the section are described below
3.9. Graduate

Graduation Date

1. Graduation Date
The date the client became a Graduate. Will be filled in automatically when you complete a Placement Public Access Test.

Most Recent Public Access Test

2. Most Recent Public Access Test
A read only field that shows the date of the most recent Public Access Test.

All Graduate Documents Received

3. All Graduate Documents Received
Check this box when all the documents required for a Graduate have been received.

Completed All Public Access Tests

4. Completed All Public Access Tests
This will show when the client is no longer required to take Public Access Tests. This will be checked automatically when you complete a Final Public Access Test.

Graduate Stage End Date

5. Graduate Stage End Date
If the client is no longer working with the dog they were placed with, the date will show here. This will be filled in automatically when you Unplace a dog.

Graduate Stage End Reason

6. Graduate Stage End Reason
The reason the client is no longer working with the dog they were placed with. This will be filled in automatically when you Unplace a dog from a Dog Location record. See the Graduate Stage End Reason topic for more information on each option.

Graduate Duration

7. Graduate Duration
The amount of time the client has been in the Graduate Stage. This is a read only field.