The Contacts tab includes the following record types:
You will only want to use the Client record type for clients. Your organization may choose to have other record types besides "Default" for different types of Contacts (Donors, Volunteers, etc.), but in order for Client Tracker to create Client Tracker records from a new Contact record, the Client record type must be selected.
Filling in this field will make Email notifications the primary form of communication with the Client. You can change this later from the Client Tracker record.
If the client is a minor, you should create a Contact record for their parent or guardian and add it here. Do not make the parent's or guardian's Contact record a Client record type.
If the client is deceased, put the date here. If the exact date is unknown, you can put an estimated date or today's date. When you create reports or send mass emails, you can choose to exclude clients with a deceased date.
Used for importing data into Salesforce. This prevents duplicate data from being imported, as well as allowing you to keep records related to the Contact. This field is case sensitive. So ABC and abc are two different IDs.