User Manual 2.2

4.1.1. Application

Use this form to collect a majority of the information about the client in regards to obtaining an assistance dog. There should only be one of these per Client Tracker record.
After clicking a New Forms, Documents & Evaluations button, select Application from the record type drop down and click continue.
You can also click the Application button from the quick action buttons on the Client Tracker record to bypass having to select a record type.
After saving an Application form, the Application field on the Client Tracker record will be filled in.
Below are the fields included on the Application records.
4.1.1. Application

Editable Client Information

1. Editable Client Information
Weight and Height are entered from the Application record.

Read Only Client Information

2. Read Only Client Information
Once you save the record, additional fields will be visible in the Client Information section. These are Read Only fields and the information is pulled from the Contact record.

Disability Information

3. Disability Information
Information specific to the client's disability.

Reason for Assistance Dog

4. Reason for Assistance Dog
The reason the client wants an assistance dog.

Military Information

5. Military Information
Information related to a client's military history, if any.


Any additional comments from the client.