User Manual 2.2

4.1.2. Interview Form

Track notes for each interview done with a client during the process of obtaining a dog.
Interview forms are created automatically during the Applicant and Client Stages. They can be found on the Applicant or Client Interviews embedded lists on the Client Tracker record or in the Forms, Documents & Evaluations related list.
You can also click the Interview Form button from the quick action buttons on the Client Tracker record to bypass having to select a record type.
Below are the fields included on the Interview Form records.
4.1.2. Interview Form

Interview Stage

1. Interview Stage
Select the Stage the client was in during the interview.

Interview Decision

2. Interview Decision
Select the decision made about the interview to determine how to continue process. The values in this field are dependant on the value selected in the Interview Stage field. See the Interview Decision topic for more information on each value.

Decline Reason

3. Decline Reason
If selecting Decline from the Interview Decision field, you must enter a Decline Reason. This will be included in the Email sent to the client if the Preferred Communication Type is set to Email.

Scheduled Date/Time

4. Scheduled Date/Time
Once the interview has been scheduled, enter the date and time here. This will update the Status field on the Client Tracker record to Pending Interview.

Scheduled Location

5. Scheduled Location
Once the interview has been scheduled, enter the location here. These options are based on settings entered by your Salesforce administrator.