User Manual 2.2

6.1.1. Heat

The Heat stage is the first section that appears when creating or editing a Reproduction Management record.
Below are the fields that appear in this section.
6.1.1. Heat


1. Dame
Set the Dame . Dame is a lookup field to Dogs. This field is required and must be filled in before you are able to see additional stages.

Heat Start

2. Heat Start
Enter the day the heat cycle started for this dog.

Heat End

3. Heat End
Ender the day the heat cycle ended for this dog.

Breed this Heat

4. Breed this Heat
Check this box to indicate you will be breeding the dog the heat cycle. Checking this box will display the Mating stage section. If the Mating stage section does not appear when you check the box, make sure you have a dog in the Dame field.

Heat Notes

5. Heat Notes
Enter any notes about this heat cycle.