User Manual 2.2

5.1. Entering Records

The Dog Locations tab includes the following record types:
You can create Dog Locations records from it's tab or the dog's record using related lists. Filling it out from the Dog's record will auto-fill the Dog field. Primary Location, Secondary Location and Training Location all have the same fields. Only Placed/Teamed has additional fields.
5.1. Entering Records

From Dog Locations Tab

1. From Dog Locations Tab
You can enter a new record from the Dog Locations Tab.

Click New

2. Click New
Click New button to enter new record.

From Dog's Record

3. From Dog's Record
You can enter a new record from a dog record.

Click Related Tab

4. Click Related Tab
Click the Related Tab.

Click New

5. Click New
Find the Locations section. Click the New button to enter a new record.

Select Record Type

6. Select Record Type
Select the Record Type by clicking the circle next to the one you want.

Click Next

7. Click Next
Click Next button to go to the data entry page.

Enter Data

8. Enter Data
Dog and Location appear on every Dog Locations record type and are also required to save the record. Location options are based on settings entered by your Salesforce administrator.

Date Placed at Location

9. Date Placed at Location
Enter the date the dog was put in the location. Date Placed at Location appears on every Dog Locations record type and is also required to save the record.

End Date

10. End Date
Enter the last date the dog was at the location. End Date appears on every Dog Locations record type.


11. Caretaker
If the dog is put with a Caretaker you can enter it here. Caretaker (Contact) is a lookup field to Contacts. Caretaker (User) is a lookup field to Users.


12. Notes
Enter notes about the dog staying at the location.

Click Save

13. Click Save
Click Save button to create the Dog Locations record.