Once a dog has been placed with a client, you will fill out a Dog Locations record with the record type of Placed/Teamed. If you have Client Tracker, you will not need to fill out a Dog Locations record as this will be done automatically from the Public Access Test form.
After saving the Dog Locations Placed/Teamed record, the dog's record will be changed to the Placed record type and fields in the Placed/Teamed section on the dog's record will be automatically filled in.
After clicking a New Dog Locations button, select Placed/Teamed from the record type drop down and click continue.
Below are the additional fields included on the Placed/Teamed records.
Client Tracker
Client Tracker is a lookup field to Client Tracker record.
When setting an End Date, also select a Client Unplaced Status. This is the Status that will appear on the Client Tracker record.
If selecting Needs Successor Dog, it will create a new Client Tracker record and send the Client the Successor Dog application (if emails are turned on).
If selecting Needs Replacement Dog (Dog Returned), it will set the dog back to In Training, and remove the dog info from the Client Tracker record.