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The Dogs tab includes the following record types:
The following fields are included on all of the record types:
There is a Total Hours Trained field in the General Information section which is read only and adds together the values from all the
Trainer/Caretaker Notes Hours Trained field. This field is not viewable while in Edit mode.
Important Notes
Since this field is one of the first things you see when you come to a dog's record, you should enter any important notes about the dog that you want other users to see here.
Dog Name
Enter the most common name used for the dog. This will be the name of the record and used to search for the dog's record. You should keep the value in this field unique.
Track any nicknames the dog may go by.
Registered Name
Enter the registered name of the dog.
Named by Person
Use this field if an individual named the dog. This is a
lookup field to
Contacts .
Track any other names the dog may be known by. For example if you changed the dog's name, you can enter their old name here.
Named by Organization
Use this field if a business named the dog. This is a
lookup field to
Accounts .
Naming Theme
Track the naming theme used for the dog or dog's litter.
Select the Breed. These options are based on settings entered by your Salesforce administrator.
Training Stage
Track the current Training Stage. These options are based on settings entered by your Salesforce administrator.
Registered Number
Enter the registration number of the dog.
Lead Trainer
Use if you want
notifications about the dog sent as
Tasks for a User. This is a lookup field to Users.
Permanent Canine ID
Use if the dog has a micro chip, tattoo, etc.
Select the gender of the puppy.
Notifications To
Select the person who you want
notifications about the dog to go to.
Spay/Neuter Status
Select the spay/neuter status for the dog.
The current status of the dog. Different record types show different options.
In Training ^
Breeder ^
Placed ^
Inactive ^
Spayed/Neutered Date
Once the dog is spayed/neutered, track the date here.
Enter the dog's birthdate.
Birth Record
Color and Marking
Enter the color of the dog and any markings.
Set the Dame. Dame is a
lookup field to female
Dogs .
Known Health Issues
Use this field as a quick find for any health issues this dog has. You should also create a
Medical Event for any health issues.
Set the Sire. Sire is a
lookup field to male
Dogs .
These fields will be filled in automatically when you create
Dog Locations records. This section does not appear on the
Placed record types.
Select how the dog was acquired.
Purchased From Person
Use this field if the dog was purchased from an individual. This is a
lookup field to
Contacts .
Acquisition Date
Enter the date the dog was acquired
Purchased From Organization
Use this field if the dog was purchased from a business. This is a
lookup field to
Accounts .
Acquisition Fee
Enter the fee associated with acquiring this dog.
Donor Person
Use this field if an individual donated the dog. This is a
lookup field to
Contacts .
Acquisition Notes
Use this field if you have any notes about the acquisition.
Donor Organization
Use this field if a business donated the dog. This is a
lookup field to
Accounts .
Import ID
Used for importing data into Salesforce. This prevents duplicate data from being imported, as well as allowing you to keep records related to the dog. This field is case sensitive. So ABC and abc are two different IDs.